
Pembroke Nissan Tires
In order to keep your vehicle safe and efficient, we recommend that you keep an eye on your tires for signs of wear. You don't want to be stranded on the side of the road putting a spare on or having to wait for roadside assistance.
New tires also improve the performance of your vehicle. Tires with fresh tread are not only safer, but they will improve fuel economy and traction as well.
As the seasons change, you will need to store your tires for the previous season. Whether that be from winter to summer tires or vice versa, we will store your tires for a price of $90 per season. You don't have to worry about storing your tires and taking up a bunch of space in your garage, at Pembroke Nissan we take care of all of that for you.
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How Do I Know If I Need New Tires?
- The tread depth is low.
- Your car vibrates at high speeds.
- There are cracks or gouges on the sidewalls.
- You notice less traction during rainy months.
If you are experiencing any of the above issues, you should get your vehicle examined and schedule a service appointment today.
We also offer services to change over the tires for you as a different season approaches. It is recommended that you have different tires for winter season and summer seasons.
As Canadian winters can be very snowy, winter tires will give you better traction in these conditions over a traditional tire. However, you don't want to use winter tires during summer months, as you won't get similar traction and they will wear down much faster.
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