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Car Maintenance and Service Checklist

Car Maintenance and Service Checklist

Car Maintenance and Service Checklist

Car Maintenance and Service Checklist

Part of owning a car is ensuring it’s properly maintained. It’s important to keep a regular vehicle maintenance schedule and get your car serviced often to ensure it runs in optimal condition. At Pembroke Nissan, we strive to keep you safe on the road. That includes ensuring you are well informed on how to properly care for your vehicle. Here’s an easy checklist that you can refer to!

1. Check the Oil and Fluids

Every month, you should check your engine oil level. We recommend changing the oil at least every six months. You should also check other vehicle fluids like the coolant, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid to ensure they’re at the required levels.

2. Replace the Filters

There are a few filters that keep your engine running properly. The oil filter keeps your oil clear of debris, and the cabin air filter ensures you don’t breathe in harmful particles. These filters need to be replaced after a while. We will inspect the filters for you and replace them using genuine parts when needed.

3. Get a Comprehensive Inspection

Whether it’s something as small as tire pressure and tire alignment or as major as the battery and engine, your car needs to be thoroughly inspected at least once a year to ensure everything is in place and you are safe on the road.

Get Your Vehicle Serviced in Pembroke, ON

Our dealership in Pembroke, Ontario, has expert technicians at our Service Centre that will inspect your vehicle and offer you the required maintenance. Whether you’re in Petawawa, Deep River, Shawville, or Eganville, we are only a short drive away. Contact us to book a service appointment today!

Categories: Service, Parts, People