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Car Cleaning Tips for Spring

Car Cleaning Tips for Spring

Car Cleaning Tips for Spring

As winter makes way for spring, we start to realize the condition our vehicles are in. Your car has endured a harsh winter with deep snow and salt all over the roads. At Pembroke Nissan, we strive to keep you informed on the best vehicle care practices. That includes getting your car detailed at least once a year, preferably after winter and in spring. Here are some things you can do in the meantime!

Clean the Interior

Start by wiping every surface, from the dashboard to the windows. Then, use a soft brush to clean the vents, steering wheel, and seats. As you do this, clear away any clutter. You’ve also probably dragged some ice and salt into the car, warranting a deep clean of the interior floors. We recommend vacuuming the carpet and using a brush with hard bristle to scrape away the debris from your carpet and floor mats. Top it all off by spraying an air freshener!

Wash the Exterior

The tires, especially, need a deep cleaning after winter. Use a hard brush on the tires before washing them off with water and special tire products if you have access to them. We recommend hand-washing the exterior with a carwash solution and a soft cloth. You should aim to dry off the car instead of letting it air dry. Finish it off by using a special window cleaner for the glass and keep your windows streak-free.

Get Your Vehicle Ready for Spring

Spring is the perfect time to wash the winter season away. Follow these tips for the best results, or visit our dealership in Pembroke, Ontario, for help. We offer detailing services along with expert maintenance at our Service Centre that will keep your car running in the best condition. Whether you’re in Petawawa, Deep River, Shawville, or Eganville, we are a short distance away. Contact us to book an appointment today!

Categories: Service, Parts